Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not Offered

There have been recent changes to my list of ebooks I'm sharing with others. Beginning this April some ebooks - as per takedown request- are no longer available. This also applies to some ebooks that I deem categorized as wiccan, occult, pro-homosexual and other similar ebooks.
I simply halt the distribution of these through my blog and site, because of my personal beliefs. I do not support ideas about alchemy, astrology and the like contrary to Christian faith. Please respect this sudden change, I believe this is for the better in everyone.

What led me to do so is because I was surprised when someone texted me about ebooks by this and that author and if I have other wiccan books. I asked myself, "I have those kind of ebooks?" I realized this was getting out of hand! Usually, texters and netizens just let me know what ebooks they would like me to search for or put on my offer list and, not knowing, I simply search and send. Without moral responsibility, it seems, that I am in part teaching bad things by offering those ebooks.

For this, my apologies.

No longer available:
Sweep Series
Stephen Covey
Trudi Canavan
Ursula Leguin
Harry Potter
Twilight Series
Timothy Leary
Rachel Caine
Rachel Vincent
Philip Pullman
Angie Sage
Angela Knight
Amanda Quick
Anne Bishop
Vampire Diaries

In saying this, I will continue to provide self-help ebooks for sharing and more.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dictionary Ebooks

Summer is definitely felt and it would be wonderful to visit the beaches during weekends to cool off! If only there isn't a nuclear scare report in the Philippines I suppose we would go :(

So whilst we are waiting for the closing exercises to commence this April 5th, my young boys are mostly at home now - keeping busy with chores, watching tv shows, reading good books, learning more about digital photography and the latest, having spelling quizzes at home.

Where do I best get new words for spelling? A-ha! The dictionary it is! Whether online dictionary, pocket dictionary, encyclopedic dictionary or ebook dictionary, we'll be having a blast discovering new words!

For this day, I gladly share different kinds of dictionaries I have for download...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

MM- Oceans Will Part by Hillsong

I love this worship song, it echoes my thoughts this month - indeed!

There are times in my life that I have doubts, especially in solving long-standing problems. I feel in my spirit that the Lord wants me to take that first step and act by faith. In this song I envision that, as I take that first step, all things regarding my issues will open up favorably. That is my hope, that is by faith.

It indeed took me more than a month to meditate on God's Word most importantly because it had to do with some fixing in me personally for my fears. I recall the moment, in the book of Exodus, when Moses parted the Red Sea - the sea did not open up, not until they took that first step into the water. Sheer faith, illogical as it may seem.. but that is how God works. His instructions differ to each and everyone, we cannot question. It is simply God's opportunity to prove that He is powerful!

I can't say what it is I'm going through in detail, I'm sorry, but it has something to do with some papers I need to get sorted - yet due to lack of funds I've dilly-dallied. Took me years to make my needs known to relatives and thankfully they've offered help. I just need to take that first step and trust the Lord, continue to pray for His guidance.

Happy MM, everyone!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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