Monday, October 9, 2023

Left Behind Series Books

 'Left Behind' is a series of 16 best-selling novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, dealing with Christian dispensationalist End Times : pretribulation, premillennial, Christian eschatological viewpoint of the end of the world. The primary conflict of the series is the members of the Tribulation Force against the Global Community and its leader Nicolae Carpathia - the Antichrist. Left Behind is also the title of the first book in the series. It is published by Tyndale House, a firm with a history of interest in dispensationalism.

Based on dispensationalist interpretation of prophecies in the Biblical books of Revelation, Isaiah and Ezekiel, Left Behind tells the story of the end times, in which many have been "raptured" leaving the world shattered and chaotic. As people scramble for answers, a Romanian politician named Nicolae Jetty Carpathia rises to become secretary-general of the United Nations, promising to restore peace and stability to all nations. What most of the world does not realize is that Carpathia is actually the Antichrist foretold from the Bible. Coming to grips with the truth and becoming born-again Christians, Rayford Steele, his daughter Chloe, their pastor Bruce Barnes, and young journalist Cameron "Buck" Williams begin their quest as the Tribulation Force to help save the lost and prepare for the coming Tribulation, in which God will rain down judgment on the world for seven years.

Source: Wikipedia

eBooks available:

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days    
Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind    
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist   
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides   
Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleased   
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist    
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession   
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World   
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne    
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armagaddon    
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages    
Glorious Appearing: The End of Days
About The Author
Christinchen, that's me. This blog is about ebooks, personal stuff, trending topics on twitter or alexa and learning SEO.
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