Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dictionary Ebooks

Summer is definitely felt and it would be wonderful to visit the beaches during weekends to cool off! If only there isn't a nuclear scare report in the Philippines I suppose we would go :(

So whilst we are waiting for the closing exercises to commence this April 5th, my young boys are mostly at home now - keeping busy with chores, watching tv shows, reading good books, learning more about digital photography and the latest, having spelling quizzes at home.

Where do I best get new words for spelling? A-ha! The dictionary it is! Whether online dictionary, pocket dictionary, encyclopedic dictionary or ebook dictionary, we'll be having a blast discovering new words!

For this day, I gladly share different kinds of dictionaries I have for download...

About The Author
Christinchen, that's me. This blog is about ebooks, personal stuff, trending topics on twitter or alexa and learning SEO.
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