Saturday, June 20, 2009

Awards I received lately

I've received two awards recently from May to June.

I would like to thank Jong of Jong's Trivialities and Stuff for passing on this award to me.


I would like to pass this on to all my fellow bloggers whose blogs are in my blog list, this means I do appreciate your blogs and love reading them so much and, for me, you all deserve this lovely blog award too!

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Thanks to Mommy Elvz of Straight From The Heart who just gave me this award. Thanks so much! ^_^


Begin Copy

Here's the simple rules:

♥ Take your award and put the logo on your post.

♥Link the person who awarded you. Remember each recipient of the award should acknowledge the person who honored them and go to Mom's Special Diary to copy and paste the award.

♥Put your own blog title and link.

♥Nominate at least five deserving moms.

1.Mom's Special Diary 2.His Unfailing Love 3. Her and History 4. Anything Under The Sun5. Straight from the Heart 6. Christinchen's Soapbox 7.YOU!

End Copy

I'm giving this award to Continental Fairy, My Life , It's My Party, Heart of Rachel, and Blowing Peachkisses.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Selling ebooks again and got good news!

So glad that I'm moving my ebook collection store to another online selling site! Yippee!

Not only that, but I also decided to sell the ebooks for a much, much lower price than before so when you purchase from my list, it will seem like you merely donated that amount for our cause.

To get any ebook from the list send a paypal payment to:

The new prices from now on will be: (for international rates, please use the conversion rate found above)

For each ebook title
Php5.00 (local)
$ 0.11 (USA)
€ 0.07 (International)
10.31 yen (Japan)

For each ebook bundle
Php50.00 (local)
$ 1.15 (USA)
€ 0.75 (International)
103.12 yen (Japan)

(for international rates, please use the conversion rate on the mainpage)

Also follow me at


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hooked to FarmTown!

OH yes, we are caught by the latest addiction at Facebook which is FarmTown!

One of my must-dos everyday is to log onto my Facebook and know what's up with my friends which compose mostly of my classmates in elementary and high school, my relatives in the US and Australia and my blogging friends.

It's been two months now, I must think, when three or more of my Facebook friends sent me this Lemon Tree or that Coconut Tree or a Sheep. All I did was to keep on accepting these gifts not knowing what they were for.

Until one day I accidentally hit the Farmtown button and saw this potato field ready for harvest and some potato fields still in the process that I fell in love with the app and I got hooked! What's more, my hubby and kids saw me get hooked... planting seeds here, harvesting crops there, lining up the trees I received, and visiting my Farmtown neighbors.

Even my children - for a change from their Cabal Online - learned how to play FarmTown. I approve their playing, maybe they will learn more about the concept of earning coins thru harvest, and the concept of buying necessities for a farm. It's much the same in real life. Spend a lot, you don't get to save enough. (But hey, playing is only allowed during weekends, haha)

Personally, I just like the look of my farm. Brings back the memories of this uncle's calamansi and mango orchards, my aunt's sugar cane plantation, and my grandfather's ricefield. My mother's side of the family originally came from a family of rice farmers, too, that's why.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Gaano Ka Kaarte?" quiz from Facebook

I intended to blog about something sensible today, but this quiz result just made me laugh! So here I'm sharing the result.... translated, "what kind of drama queen are you?"


I got this quiz invite from my aunt who always likes to send me these, she knows me better of how I was during my teenage years,you see ;-) When I was much younger, no one could ask me to bring along an old bayong, or a muddy sack of kamote (sweet potatoes) for an errand. I'd say, "think of my image!" ha-ha- ha!

Now that I have a family, I don't think I'm that squeamish anymore. I don't balk at doing the dirty stuff (Yes, I tell you, in my house, a man's job could be mine too) I've matured a bit.

Then came this result, thank God, I still have a little bit of "kaartehan". I'm still a lady, after all! I once thought I'm getting more masculine living with my hubby and our five boys plus my nephew and his two boys.

Thank you, thank you! I'm still Kris Aquino-ish! Hahaha! Taray!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Basketball Players


The 3 players of the Sarzaba Eagles : (From L-R) my nephews Mat, Badz and my eldest Brownie. I'm surprised at this picture to find my son slightly taller than Mat!

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