Monday, May 9, 2011

Tuesday Couch Potatoes - Life Is Beautiful


Life Is Beautiful is one of the top 100 movies on my list. I promise you, you'll love it too. It has a positive message despite the odds that were caused by discrimination. When I first watched this in 1998, I was drawn to it because the scenes remind me of the photos from my father's childhood in Germany during World War II.

Here is the plot summary courtesy of Wikipedia

The first half of the movie is a whimsical, romantic, somewhat slapstick comedy set in the years before World War II. Guido Orefice (Roberto Benigni), a young Italian Jew, arrives in Arezzo where he plans to set up a bookstore, taking a job as a waiter at his uncle's hotel.Guido is both funny and charismatic, especially when he romances a local school teacher, Dora, saying she is beautiful like the morning sunrise (portrayed by Benigni's actual wife Nicoletta Braschi). Dora however comes from a wealthy, aristocratic, non-Jewish Italian family. Dora's mother wants her to marry a well-to-do civil servant, but Dora falls instead for Guido where he ends up stealing her away at her engagement party from her aristocratic and arrogant fiancé. Several years pass in which Guido and Dora marry and have a son, Giosuѐ (Joshua) (Giorgio Cantarini).Dora and her mother (Marisa Paredes) are estranged due to the unequal marriage. Later on, a reconciliation takes place just prior to Giosuѐ's fourth birthday.

In the second half of the film, World War II has already begun. Guido, Uncle Eliseo and Giosuѐ are forced onto a train and taken to a concentration camp on Giosuѐ's birthday. Dora demands to be on the same train to join her family and is permitted to do so.In the camp, Guido hides his son from the Nazi guards, sneaks him food and tries to humor him. In an attempt to keep up Giosuѐ's spirits, Guido convinces him that the camp is just a game, in which the first person to get 1,000 points wins a tank. He tells him that if he cries, complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn 1,000 points.

Guido convinces Giosuѐ that the camp guards are mean because they want the tank for themselves and that all the other children are hiding in order to win the game. He puts off Giosuѐ's requests to end the game and return home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank. Despite being surrounded by rampant misery, sickness and death, Giosuѐ does not question this fiction because of his father's convincing performance and his own innocence.Guido maintains this story right until the end when, in the chaos caused by the American advance, he tells his son to stay in a sweatbox until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. After trying to find Dora, Guido is caught, taken away and shot dead by a Nazi guard, but not before making his son laugh one last time by imitating the Nazi guard as if the two of them are marching around the camp together.

Giosuѐ manages to survive and thinks he has won the game when an American tank arrives to liberate the camp. He is reunited with his mother, not knowing that his father has been killed. Years later, he realizes the sacrifice his father made for him, and that it was because of that sacrifice that he is still alive today. In the film, Giosuѐ is four and a half years old; however, both the beginning and ending of the film are narrated by an older Giosuѐ recalling his father's story of sacrifice for his family.

I chose this movie for the Iconic Hat movie for this Tuesday because it's what we recently watched on DVD. There is a scene in this movie where Guido (Roberto Benigni) envies the hat of a gentleman and goes with his funny antics until he runs away with it! A hat in this movie, I suppose, is a requirement for modesty and a distinction or status of authority in social gatherings. I've seen so much hats in this movie, it was- after all - shot in 1939 Italy, where you can find the Italian city of Milan - where the highest quality of hats were made.

Now that's my entry at the drop of a hat! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Music Monday - Hallowed Be Thy Name by Steve Kuban

I'm overwhelmed with gladness to find this song on Youtube. Am surprised actually that Steve Kuban's videos are there too. Thank the Lord for modern technology!

I love this song, it brings back wonderful memories of all the revival conferences I've been to during the seemingly most difficult times (as I saw it) in the late 90s. This song is a reminder after all these years, that I was able to overcome, just as Jesus has promised (John 16:33)

To God be the glory!

Steve Kuban – Hallowed Be Thy Name

Hallowed be Thy Name
Jehovah God You reign
And You will never change, O Lord
Forever You're the same

You supply my every need
Perfect health You give to me

You're the One who gives me peace
My faithful Shepherd leading me

You're the One who makes me clean
Imparting righteousness to me

Lord, You reign in victory
You are always there for me

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Manny Pacquiao Wins Again!

Photo Courtesy of

Yes!!! Manny Pacquiao did it again!!

It's another triumph from the Pacquiao Vs Mosley bout today, as our country shares in his victory.

Manny "PACMAN" Pacquiao's fight this time had an illusion of a jittery beginning for the nation. We've watched the live weighing-in on TV5 and I heard exclaims that "Alanganin si Manny.." from some. They say that because of their impression that Mosley looks in top shape and may finish off Manny by a knock out.

Being the only woman in the house, I am not well-versed in the boxing terminologies. But as I watched the first 3 rounds this Pacquiao vs Mosley fight, my heart was in my throat :) Why so? Because I was also affected by the news I read and heard that some countrymen do not get his vote in this fight and would rather bet on the other boxer. And I was also scared that he might not make it this time, yes, I'm intimidated by the news.

But look, Manny Pacquiao is not! He is relaxed, relying on the Lord to move in his favor, and just doing what he's been called to do... to WIN!

As I watch Manny Pacquiao's every bout over the years, wow, I also grit my teeth (hehe) and say a little prayer for him that he wins and keeps on showing the world that here is an ordinary Filipino who rose to doing something extraordinary!

The Philippines is proud of you, Manny!

God bless you, Manny, you are a blessing to others!

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